Our Mission Statement III
Our Mission Statement III: Public confidence. That is behave in a way that maintains the trust the public places in our Law Firm in the provision of legal services.
Our Mission Statement III: Public confidence. That is behave in a way that maintains the trust the public places in our Law Firm in the provision of legal services.
Our mission statement II: To provide a paramount standard of service to our clients; complying with our legal obligations in an open, timely and cooperative manner.
Our mission statement I: To act with intelligence, integrity and independence of mind always in the best interests of our clients. Should you be interested in receiving more specific information, (either about this particular subject or any other), you can contact our firm in several ways: 1).- Call us or send us a WhatsApp now…
Dear readers, After years of protracted legal ordeal, stress and suffering, there is hope. Homebuyers affected by the property market crisis, are finally recovering the money they paid for holiday homes that were never built. A landmark ruling in Spain’s supreme court in December 21st 2015 (STS 5263/2015) is the key. This Ruling takes as a reference…