Claim insurance DANA II

Steps to follow to claim insurance damage DANA flooding in Spain II An extreme ‘Gota Fria’ –meaning ‘Cold Drop’– delivers Spain’s most Severe Storm in over a century and it has battered practically ALL of Alicante province between September 11 and 15th September. A succession of frigid polar fronts drove temps some 16C below-average across…

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Wrongful acts of tenants

Wrongful acts of tenants

Responsibility of the owner for wrongful acts caused by tenants Beware of wrongful acts of your tenants, especially if you are a homeowner in a community. In fact, you could be jointly legally liable for any harm, damages or annoying behaviour caused by your tenant to the rest of the neighbours. Legislation applicable: Art 7.2…

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# VERY URGENT HELP!! Please donate NOW to “HOGAR NAZARET”, and save the children from sexual exploitation and organ trafficking! Our Mission Statement At BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS, Charitable giving is one of our main aims (other than winning compensations for our clients of course) and as part of our corporate responsibility, we donate and…

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