Gifts & Donations to Charity in a Will

If you want to leave a gift or donation to a charity or a reliable and serious organisation in your Will; you simply need to let us know what you would like them to receive e.g. a fixed amount of money; a specific item or perhaps a share of your total estate, together with the names of the charities to receive them.

We can then take care of the rest and draft your Will accordingly so that your wishes are clear.

Therefore, you will be able to continue to support them after you’re gone.

As practical advice, we always recommend, first of all, to make sure that the beneficiary Charity is clearly indicated; with specific information of the company name (sometimes the brand or public name does not match the registered company name), the CIF and registered office. It is also convenient to appoint an executor in the will, who will be responsible for enforcing the will of the testator; and who will ensure the proper execution of its provisions Notaries are here to help you satisfy such desires and concerns; advising and adapting them to the existing legal framework.

For free advice on donating to charity in a Will, contact us and we will be glad to help you.

Gifts to Charity
Hogar Nazaret A totally trustworthy Charity who is in urgent help