# VERY URGENT HELP!! Please donate NOW to “HOGAR NAZARET”, and save the children from sexual exploitation and organ trafficking!
Our Mission Statement
At BZN LEX INTERNATIONAL LAWYERS, Charitable giving is one of our main aims (other than winning compensations for our clients of course) and as part of our corporate responsibility, we donate and we encourage our own clients and collaborators also, to donate to trusted charities. However, we do have a set of strict policies on charities who we support. For instance, we only recommend charities we trust implicitly. We prefer charities with specific projects we can follow up on, and to focus on smaller sized charities, who do not turn charitable giving into a business venture. In other words, charities where we know for a fact, that the money is not going to be wasted on paying intermediaries or excessive salaries to their Directors or employees.
In short, we prefer supporting the good work of worthy causes, particularly smaller and less well-known good causes, that arguably are in greater need of financial support than many of the more established and well-known national charities.
Hogar Nazaret. Peru
Please see below an example of a Charity we are particularly proud of supporting, called Hogar Nazaret ( “Home Nazaret in English”), a house located in the Peruvian jungle, which by the way, it does not receive any financial aid from the Government or the Church. As a result, they are going through a very difficult situation right now. For further information about this exemplary organization, and the excellent work that is currently carried out for the little children, please visit the specific section of our website: https://bestsolicitorsinspain.com/charitable-giving/ Alternatively you can visit Hogar Nazaret’s own website https://www.hogarnazaret.es/ (it is only in Spanish for the moment).
The Founder
or also contact his Founder Mr Father P Ignacio María on Facebook. (please click on the following link:
You can also buy his book “Hogar Nazaret, sueño de Dios” on amazon ( please copy and paste the following link): https://www.amazon.es/Hogar-Nazaret-sue%C3%B1o-Ignacio-Do%C3%B1oro/dp/8408161490/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=Hogar+Nazaret%2C+sue%C3%B1o+de+Dios&qid=1566635034&s=gateway&sr=8-1
Contact us for further information
Remember that any contributions can benefit from tax deductions, if you are Spanish national or fiscal resident in Spain. Likewise, you will benefit from important tax deduction in case you might make a donation in your Spanish Will.
? For a free consultation about how you can help the Charity, call us now ☎ +34 687 88 88 73 or email us ? info@bestsolicitorsinspain.com
Our Commitment
Finally, we are glad to inform all our readers that we do offer a minimum of a 3% up to 10% discount of our own fees, to any client who might donate to the Charity Hogar Nazaret:
? Hogar Nazaret. La Caixa ES32 2100 5450 6102 0009 4211
Thank you very much for your attention and remember that this Charity HOGAR NAZARET IS FOR REAL, and with just a little contribution, you can make a difference and save the lives of the most vulnerable and needy. There are currently 81 children… and we all know how much it costs to raise children nowadays.
Oscar Ricor. Spanish Practicing Solicitor and English Solicitor (Non Practicing)